Sunday, 18 January 2015

Getting better ... slowly

Well, after a week of steady improvement I am now at the slightly snuffly stage, and generally feeling much better.  As a result, I do have a decent amount to show you this week.

I'm pleased to say that I have made good progress with Baby Express this week.  That is supposed to be a lion wearing a yellow spotted green bib.  I am hoping that the backstitch will perform wonders in due course.

Progress on the cabled hand warmer has been slower, mainly because I don't take it out with me.  However, about 4 more repeats of the cable pattern and a little more ribbing should see this one complete.  The question then will be whether I have enough yarn for the second one.  The shop I bought it at is supposed to be ordering some more in, but I am still waiting to hear from them.

However I am delighted to be able to show you my socks.  I finished the first one on Thursday night and cast on the second one after work on Friday.  It was Knitting Club on Saturday so I spent a very enjoyable few hours knitting and chatting with like minded people.

In other news, I went to get weighed on Thursday night and discovered that having a streaming cold had caused me to put on 2lb.  I couldn't face cooking so just ate what was easiest i.e. takeaway etc.  So I really need to lose weight this week as I am just on my limit before I have to start paying again.

It's getting late now and they've threatened us with a very cold night, so I am going to call it a day, fill a hot water bottle and turn in.  So, all the best to you and yours, and may the frog stay well clear of your needles.


  1. Glad your feeling better. You made such great progress on the Baby express (I'm now sure it's the one I thought of) and your knitting as well!

  2. Great to hear that you're feeling better :-D awesome progress.

  3. Great to hear that you're feeling better :-D awesome progress.
